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New Mexico National Guard Association Academic Scholarship Nomination Form

Annual Scholarship Application Form

Applications due no later than 20 March every year.

"Providing Educational Opportunities"

You must have all required information to complete and submit this form. This form does not auto-save. If you leave this page, your form will need to be re-accomplished.

Please see NMNGA Scholarship Application Letter for full details on each of the scholarships individual requirements.

Submission Date

Sponsors Information

NMNG Officer that claims applicant as dependent

Applicants Information

Dependent applying for scholarship

Applicants Birthday

Which scholarship(s) are you applying for? (May select multiple)

Please see NMNGA Scholarship Application Letter for full details on each of the scholarships individual requirements and additional information.

Applicants Education History

School Name - City - State - Dates (from-to)

School Name - City - State - Dates (from-to)

School Name - City - State - Dates (from-to)

Applicants college/university planning to attend

Street, City, State, ZIP

(please ensure meets essay criteria!)

(temporary transcripts acceptable until official are received)


Hint: you can sign name by writing it out with your mouse pointer.

Hint: you can sign name by writing it out with your mouse pointer.

AFBA Scholarship Opportunity

AFBA SCHOLARSHIP Applications are now being accepted for two $5,000 scholarships available exclusively to NGAUS Active Life and Digital Life members and their families. The scholarships are sponsored by the Armed Forces Benefit Association. The application requires a short essay of 300 words or less about an experience with the National Guard and how it has shaped your development and goals. It can be found at You can become a Digital Life member for just $500. You do not need to have your membership paid in full to apply for the scholarship.

Round Library


One Step at a Time

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Education is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

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